1. FN’s First Law of Human Dynamics–Within a standard deviation above the norm of intellect, people will believe that a statement of an axiom is a reflection of deep understanding and reason.
Lemma 1: Most people will see some moral aspect to an axiom.
2. FN’s Second Law of Human Dynamics–all human activity involves various states of inefficiency and lost energy. This increase in entropy is directly proportional to the number of people engaged in a specific action. Government involvement multiplies this entropic loss by several factors.
3. FN’s Law of Human Uncertainly (or the Human Uncertainty Principle)–No 2 people can develop the same well-ordering of outcomes.
Corollary: There are no perfect solutions to any human issue. Circumstances, perceptions, and moral principles determine the impossibility of viewing with complete clarity and objectivity the same outcome or circumstance.
4. Spite Principle–a large portion of any population will refuse a significant improvement in social outcomes, if the implementation involves actions opposed by their world-view.
Lemme 1: Large numbers of people will embrace personal harm if they see it as harming people they dislike.
5. FN’s Law Of “Shoulds” : People maintain a limitless list of “shoulds” that are unobtainable.
Lemma 1: “Shoulds” will invariably be used to obstruct sound, achievable policy.