Open Classrooms Again…and Again, and Again

We have a local elementary school that is going through a massive remodeling and expansion (the justification of which is based on outright lies from the school board) which includes combining classes into a semi-open classroom format. Eventually they plan to extend the openness across all of the grades.

This year has seen that first step with grades 1 and 2 being together as well as grades 3 and 4.

It’s already showing problems.

Which brings me to the great part of the story: Adele (not her real name).

Adele was a huge supporter of the bond issue and the increased spending on the school where her 2 children go. Living very near the school itself, she proudly proclaimed her support for all of the initiatives, letting those of us who pointed out problems with the plan know that she had deeper feelings than we. And her moral view is more clear, her values higher, and her general nobility superior. This is NOT an exaggeration, by the way.

So now that the new plans have been partially implemented for the last 2 months? Adele is strongly considering home schooling her kids. She’s very concerned with the unruliness of the classrooms and what her kids are actually (not) learning. She doesn’t share this with the community as a whole, just quietly with individuals she knows.

But those of us who predicted accurately are moral inferiors.


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